A Letter From

I have been guilty of forgetting to leave a letter from the tooth fairy.

I have looked for specific business letters on the internet and after spending many hours reading various templates have still had to write my own.

A Letter From ... has a letter for every occassion. Business, personal and those magic letters your children love to receive. All templates can be personalised to fit your needs and if you can't find the letter your want, simply send me an email briefly explaining what you need and I'll email you a draft letter by return.

Don't struggle with a blank page, whether you need a letter to your insurance broker or thank you notes for those wedding gifts, A Letter From has you sorted.

All letters can be posted or emailed to you in a format of your choice.

How Do I Order My Letter

Ordering your letter couldn't be easier.
  1. Simply email me
  2. Quote the letter your require (i.e. Easter Bunny Letter for a Boy) in the subject line
  3. You will receive an email asking for address details which will be inserted into the letter
  4. Transfer the money into the account: J Tatt, 06 0996 00858364 00 quoting your email address as a reference
  5. You will receive your letter in the format requested (email, post, framed or laminated)
  6. Your receipt will be emailed to you separately